Monday, December 24, 2007

I made a snowman this afternoon. The presents are under the tree. We're getting ready to make chocolate truffles. In five hours we'll pick up my youngest brother from work and drive around Charlottetown to look at Christmas lights. According to NORAD, Santa Claus is in Berlin. This is my favourite night of the year.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thankfully, the awkwardness has been resolved. Sometimes it's best to take the beast . . . er, frog . . . by the horns.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Ohhh, this is awkward . . .

Friday, November 30, 2007

I have definitely come to the part of the semester when my brain ceases to produce meaningful thoughts and I can unravel at a moment's notice. I was doing well until this afternoon - I actually turned in two projects early - but today I hit the wall. I could feel my shoulders getting tense all morning, and when I hit a major bump just before dinner I had a total meltdown, complete with pulling my hair (which I do when I'm upset) and using half a box of Kleenex (which did not help the sinus infection at all).

It's not even like the situation is that awful. After all, I did win six dozen cookies yesterday and I don't have any incurable diseases. My assignments will get done and I'll be at home in less than a week now. I guess sometimes the stress just has to come out, and today happened to be the day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's time for another end-of-the-semester tradition: Roseanne's mysytery illnesses.

In fourth year it was the incredible sickness that had all the symptoms of mono, but wasn't actually mono. Last spring it was the swollen cheeks and sore throat that seemed like the mumps, but turned out to be a bacterial infection.

When Liam got sick this fall I was sure I would be next, but nothing happened. I thought I was in the clear, but alas, it wasn't to be. After a trip to the clinic this afternoon on the advice of my mother, I have discovered that I am the proud owner of not one, but two separate infections!

I have just returned from Shoppers with several prescriptions and a large bottle of cranberry juice. At least this is a sign that it will soon be time to go home.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

So it's going to storm tonight . . . Usually I really enjoy fall storms. I like being inside while the rain blows against the windows. It makes everything feel extra cozy. However, the reason my new apartment is so gorgeous is because during Hurricane Juan the roof blew off the building (ie. our apartment) and everything had to be re-done. I know that Noel is not supposed to pack nearly the punch that Juan did, but for the record I really like having a roof. Over my head. Keeping me, Liam, and our stuff dry. And I'd like it to be there tomorrow as well. Just saying.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The house next door has a child-sized scarecrow on its front porch, dressed in what appears to be a green velvet jumpsuit with lace trim around the sleeves, pant legs, and collar. This would be disturbing enough on its own, but the scarecrow doesn't have a head. Every time I walk past in the dark I think there's a headless baby standing on my neighbour's steps. It's creeping me out.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's a bit late, but here are the highlights of my Thanksgiving weekend:

1. Introducing Dee to the ferry.

2. Apple picking!

3. A visit to the Roma settlement near Montague.

4. Thanksgiving dinner with my family

5. A Trivial Pursuit showdown. Alas, there are no pictures, but Liam handily crushed Lynda, Dee, and me.

6. Meeting my cousin's one-month old baby. I'm in love.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Earlier this week I discovered the giant shelf of musicals at Video Difference, the movie rental place just a block away that's operated by the same people as That's Entertainment and open 24 hours. I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that I thought I'd died and gone to DVD heaven. It's probably the biggest collection of musicals I've ever seen in one place - and most of them I've never watched before!

For our first selection, Dee and I settled on Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Shall We Dance and we weren't disappointed! At one point, Fred and Ginger tapdance on rollerskates to the song "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off." On rollerskates, people! And I can't even walk in high heels! The music and lyrics were by the Gershwins (including the classic "They Can't Take That Away From Me") so it was pretty high quality, but it's the dancing that gets me every time.

Video Difference, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happiest of birthdays to my Mel, who is awesome and turns 23 today!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I am happy to report that today I got my second MMR vaccine. No mumps for me! Yay for immune systems!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

As many of you know, the neighbours I had last year liked to relax by smoking massive amounts of marijauna. In fact, they smoked so much that sometimes I would step off the elevator to find clouds of pot smoke billowing through the hallway. Unfortunately, these clouds would also billow under my door, making my apartment reek at all hours of the night and day.

Well, there's something in the air of my new apartment too - but it's much pleasanter than pot smoke. The Ben's Bread Bakery is at the end of the block, and the scent of freshly baking bread wafts down the street several times each day. I've discovered that if you walk past at about 10:00 pm you can even watch the loaves of bread as they truck along their little assembly line.

Just another reason why I love living in my new apartment.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Grrr to the loud machinery operating under my windows this morning at 8am. This was supposed to be my day to sleep in!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'm back in Halifax, refreshed and ready to blog again.

Liam and I are slowly getting settled in our new apartment. Moving was absolute pandemonium, but I guess that was to be expected. However, I can't really complain: we managed to finish up just before the torrential downpour started. We couldn't have done it without help from Dee, Emily, and Vinny, who were awesome.

We had a mini-visit from Laura, who saw the place at its most chaotic. The three of us had just enough time to grab some crepes at the Farmer's Market before she headed home to gear up for her adventures in Hamilton.

The first day of orientation for the new SIM students was yesterday, and the second years got the cutest little file folder buttons to wear. I'll post a picture as soon as I can get Liam to take out his camera. Today I helped give a tour of the campus and tonight is the Faculty of Management mixer, which I would totally skip except they're giving out free drink tickets.

Liam's classes start Friday morning, but I don't have anything until Monday, so I'm hoping this will be a relaxing weekend. There's a SIM picnic on Sunday, but I don't think anyone has three-legged races or egg-in-spoon races planned. Sorry Lynda!

Monday, July 09, 2007

I'm starting to be able to help answer some of the complicated reference questions at work, and I can't tell you how excited this is making me! I'm going to be a really, truly librarian who can find things! People come into the library and think I know what I'm talking about. I love this!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I think everyone has a list of books they'd like to read someday and movies they mean to watch when they have the time. Usually I'm much better at reading the books on my list than I am at getting around to watching the movies, but in the past week I've seen three movies that have been on my "To Watch" list for quite a while.

I started last Friday with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which Michelle first told me to watch several years ago. I've always thought the premise for this movie sounded strange, but I actually really enjoyed it. I like the idea of an enduring connection between two people who've been in love, even when they think they hate each other, and I thought the plot was extremely clever. I wonder what it's like to be able to think up stories like that. By the time Kate Winslet whispered "Meet me in Montauk" I had already decided I wanted to watch the movie again because I bet it will be even better the second time. And who knew Jim Carrey is such a good actor when he's not making weird faces?

Then on Thursday I psyched myself up to watch Shindler's List, which I've avoided for a long time. If you've ever heard my story about watching Life is Beautiful I think you'll understand why. In fact, if you know me at all you probably understand why. Surprisingly, I wasn't as emotionally affected as I thought I would be, but I also don't think I let myself become fully absorbed in the movie because I knew if I did I would 1) use an entire box of tissues and scare my blind cat whenever I blew my nose and 2) probably not sleep well for several weeks. I made it through most of the movie without too many tears, although the part where the bodies of all the Jews who've been killed have to be dug up and burned did use up a lot of kleenex.

I saw the first half of Forrest Gump when I was twelve, but tonight I finally watched the whole thing. I definitely understood a lot more of what was happening than I did in 1994. I really, really loved this movie. Really loved it. I know it might be a little syrup-y, but I'm a syrup-y kind of girl. Tom Hanks is brilliant, although it was a little odd to see Mack from CSI New York as a legless man with long hair.

Anyway, I'm interested to know what other movies should be moved up to the top of my "To Watch" list. What do you guys think? What do I need to watch next? I know several of the people who read this blog have very strong opinions about movies, so please suggest away!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Yesterday saw the return of Lynda and Rosey's Fabulous Adventures. Taking advantage of a sunny Sunday afternoon Lou and I piled into her car and set off to explore. Our last PEI adventure took us out to New Glasgow and Rustico, so this time we decided to go in a completely different direction and headed towards Montague. Instead of taking the main roads we meandered a little, which meant we got to see Sharon and Kieran's new house in Valleyfield.

After we hit Montague we continued on to Murray River and Murray Harbour. Alas, the bakery in Murray Harbour was closed, which meant we couldn't sample the Brad Richards cookie (which Lynda says is delicious), but we did see the large "Pride of Murray Harbour" sign. (Why is it that only sports figures or musicians seem to be the pride of places? What about all the people who gets PhDs or do other impressive things?)

Next up was a drive along the beautiful southern shore of Kings County. The scenery here was absolutely breathtaking. Everything was saturated with green and the wind smelled like grass and ocean. Even the cows looked happy. We stopped in at the Cape Bear lighthouse and played tourist for a while.

Then it was time to head home. On the way back we drove through Pownal and Alexandra so Lynda could have a trip down memory lane. Lynda and Rosey's Fabulous Adventures return next weekend, although we haven't decided what direction we're going to go yet.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Yesterday I was looking for something in the stacks at work when I noticed a row of books about pigeons. "Why," I wondered, "would Veterans Affairs be interested in pigeons?" My question was answered a few minutes later when I took a closer look at one of the books and realized it was about pensions, not pigeons. Once again, I was left shaking my head at myself. But not too hard. I didn't want to damage the brain cells that remained.

Monday, May 28, 2007

My civic duty is done. I voted on my way home from work and now I'm looking forward to an evening of watching election results.

However, there is one issue I felt was never fully discussed during the campaign. How is it that no one else noticed the lion is eating Robert Ghiz's head on the signs in his riding?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It snowed a little again today. Seriously. I have had enough.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Two exciting pieces of news:

1) I just got back from spending the weekend in Halifax, and I am happy to report that Liam and I have a place to live next fall! We'll be moving into Katie and Dave's super awesome apartment. Remember, visitors are welcome!

2) Dee's sister had a 9 lb. baby boy on Saturday. Welcome to the world Jonah Victor! And congratulations Auntie Dee.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

To the various deities in charge of the weather:

I would like to register my extreme unhappiness with the several centimeters of snow that were on the ground when I woke up this morning. I realize you are occupied with larger concerns, such as climate change and the upcoming hurricane season, but today's date is May 17th, which means the merry month of May is more than half over and summer should be on its way. Snow is highly inappropriate.



PS. I promise I will never leave my parka liner and winter boots behind to save space in my suitcase again.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

This is truly the cat of a future librarian. He's blind and yet continues to be attracted to books.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I am now an official employee of Veterans' Affairs Canada. I have one of those little identity cards to wear around my neck and everything. The VAC library is extremely different than any other library I've worked in so far, but I really love the lady with whom I'm working. She's always laughing and we share a love of chocolate and cats.

Speaking of cats, it's amazing to see the difference spring has made in Socks. He has a spring in his step (still a little bit of a limp, but he is sixteen, after all) and his tail is waving up in the air. I take him for a walk in the backyard every day when I get home, and his favourite thing to do is follow Kahlua around and bite her tail. It sounds mean, but I think they like sparring with each other like a big brother with an annoying little sister. His sense of smell is so strong that sometimes it's almost like he can see.

In another exciting news, my family bought a second-hand canoe. Canoing used to be my favourite part of summer camp, so I'm looking foward to trying it again. Hopefully this won't be as traumatic as Catherine's boating experience in Ontario a few summers ago.

And that's it for now. I know my posts lately have been erratic and pretty boring, but hopefully as the stresses of schoolwork continue to fade away I'll feel more like being interesting.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Well, I finished my practicum on Thursday. Making a little boy laugh until he fell over was definitely the highlight of my three weeks in the Children's Loft, but I also enjoyed being the troll in a puppet version of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, playing with construction paper, having a four year old tell me I was soft (I assumed it was a compliment), hearing a boy gasp excitedly when I showed him the shelf of books about dinosaurs, helping an elderly lady send emails to her nephew in Japan, and explaining to a little girl from Columbia what the word "poo" means. And if any of you have a chance, look up the book Bark, George by Jules Feiffer, because it might be one of the funniest stories I've read in a long time. That's what I was reading when the little boy fell over.

Friday I went out to UPEI to visit at the library and hear about all the groovy things that are happening since the new head librarian's arrival. I spent the rest of the weekend making myself walk around in the great outdoors (can anyone explain to me why it was snowing on Satuday?) and watching ridiculous amounts of Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy. Oh, and I bought pants, which is a significant achievement for me.

Tomorrow is my first day working at library at Veteran's Affairs, where I'll be for the rest of the summer. I'm looking forward to learning about life in a special library and Nicky, my new boss, has promised field trips to several other types of libraries in Charlottetown as well. Who knew there were this many libraries on PEI? I sure didn't.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Still in the Children's Library and still having fun.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Two events of note occurred today:

1. I had Shreddies and apple juice for breakfast for the first time in almost a week. A week without Shreddies!! I can't even remember the last time I went that long without Shreddies. I enjoy swallowing immensely.

2. My practicum started today, and I did not throw up on anyone! I knew I was going to be reading stories on the trolley bus, but I thought it was going to be during the afternoon and I'd have a chance to buy some Gravol at lunch. Unfortunately, the bus trip was scheduled for 10am, so I had to embark sans Gravol. I got to read about three stories (including the classic If You Give a Mouse a Cookie) before I became extremely nauseous. When we got to the mall the librarian who was with me took me to Zellers to buy Gravol. I barely made it back downtown. The bus route was all over the place and the roads were slippery from the snow. Thankfully, after realizing how miserable I was, the librarians told me I can concentrate on other programming activities for the rest of my time. On Monday I get to do a performance of the Billy Goats Gruff with puppets!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So last Thursday afternoon, as I struggled to stuff everything I would need for the summer into my suitcases, I decided I'd leave my ski jacket liner and my winter boots in Halifax to save space. After all, I though, how much snow are we really going to get in April?

After I got home on Friday afternoon, I had a conversation with my mother about the outbreak of mumps in Halifax and how awful it would be to get sick during the final crunch of the semester.

Saturday night it started to storm. It snowed until Sunday night. There was more snow for Easter than there was for Christmas.

In the wee hours of Saturday night I woke up with a throat so sore I could barely swallow. By morning my face resembled a chipmunk's and I had a fever. It looked like I had the mumps. Thankfully when I went to the doctor on Monday it turned out to be a bacterial infection of some sort and the antibiotics he gave me started to clear it up right away. This meant I did not have to be quarantined for nine days (hurray!), but I wasn't able to start my practicum on Tuesday either (boo).

The moral of the story is that Murphy's Law will get you every time. In fact, although I am pretty much better and get to start my practicum tomorrow, it's supposed to storm again tomorrow night.

In other news, I have a job in a library in Charlottetown for the summer! I don't want to put details here, but anyone who wants to know more can email me.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

There are days when you're just so grateful for something someone has done for you, when you don't know what you would have done without their help, and today is one of those days. The person is my brother. I came within seconds of a full-out meltdown last night and he stayed up with me until 2am to fix a computer problem I had no idea how to solve. All I can say is thank goodness for computer genius brothers.

SIM party tonight; home tomorrow.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

As requested, here is a photo of the giant birthday penguin. Isn't he fantastic?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Thankfully, the theme of this post will not be Adventures With Fire. In fact, I haven't really done anything that interesting since the middle of March. Right now my days are mostly filled with assignments, assignments, and more assignments, and in just two weeks I will be one-half of a professional librarian! My practicum starts on April 10 in the children's department of the library I used as a kid, which is pretty exciting as well. Some of the planned activities sound pretty cool, plus I'll get to organize some of my own. This also means I get to come home for at least a few weeks!!

I had a lovely birthday last weekend. Friday night there was a potluck dinner with an insane amount of delicious food and three kinds of cake! Drew and Dee were busy in my kitchen all afternoon, so there was chocolate cake for Vinny and white cake with pink icing and sprinkles for me and then Shannon brought DQ cake as well. I am now also the proud owner of a gigantic stuffed penguin. Plus I got to wear a tiara!

Mayhem will ensue on Monday when Dee and Emily move a bunch of their stuff into my place to be stored for the summer. Thankfully space isn't an issue, but I'm trying to get some things organized now so there will be less mess to worry about later. Since Dee's bed and belongings will be here, Dee herself is also going to stay for a few days until she heads back to Winnipeg for the summer. Happily, the other end of the storage bargain means Liam and I will have people to help us clean and move in August!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to another installment of Roseanne's Adventures with Fire.

Last night, at about 3:30am, I was awakened by a ringing noise. Assuming it was my alarm clock, I hit snooze and rolled over to go back to sleep. As the ringing continued, I groggily realized it was actually the fire alarm going off and that hitting snooze was not going to make it stop. I stumbled out of bed, found a pair of socks and a sweater, put on my parka, and hoofed it down five flights of stairs.

The lobby was filled with the yellow dust from a fire extinguisher, and everyone was huddled on the sidewalk. It wasn't long before three fire trucks, an ambulance, and four police cars were parked out front. I don't even know what happened, but it was a very cold and windy hour before we were allowed back into our apartments.

Like I said before, I'm starting to be a little perturbed at the attraction that seems to exist between me and fire alarms.

In other news, Liam arrives tomorrow to spend the weekend and the SIM St. Paddy's Day party is tomorrow night. Hurrah for socializing!

Monday, March 12, 2007

I wish I could tell you I've been doing something exciting while my blog has been AWOL, but unfortunately I've mostly been hunkered down doing incredible amounts of homework. Thankfully nothing has reached the panic level of the 24-hour literature review, but that doesn't really make for exciting blogging either.

On another note, my youngest brother finally got his license last week (yes, procrastination is a family trait). Now all the Gauthier kids can drive! Woot!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tonight I managed to turn a frozen pizza black. The last time I baked a frozen pizza I accidentally dropped it into my oven upside down. I'd say my karma might be trying to save me from junk food, except I'm still eating an obscene amount of chocolate.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Is it me, or are buildings more likely to catch on fire when I'm around?

I just got home from a long day at school and I wasn't even in my apartment for ten minutes when the fire alarm went off. I trooped outside with everyone else to stand in the cold, listening to people talk about how smoky it was on the seventh floor and crossing my fingers that nothing was actually burning. Turns out there was a kitchen fire on Floor 7 that was extinguished pretty quickly, but still set off the alarms. On the plus side now I know the smoke detectors in this building work...

Seriously though, that's two fires in Waterloo and now one in Halifax. I don't know how I feel about this trend. I know my mother won't like it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

All my assignments for the week have finally been submitted. I have mopped the kitchen floor and found the source of the funny smell in my kitchen. I am currently watching The Daily Show and eating my midnight bowl of Shreddies. I am ready to go home.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The next time I complain about how much work I have to do, someone please remind me of the past twenty-four hours.

With three assignments due this week, one each for Monday through Wednesday, I spent my weekend holed up in my apartment with the Black Baby. Things were going well: I sent in a research proposal, wrote a draft of a management paper, and almost finished my literature review.

Then, yesterday afternoon, Dee and I decided that maybe we should double-check our research question for the literature review with our prof. Unfortunately, during this meeting we realized we had approached our project from the absolutely, positively wrong angle. Unfortunately, this also meant that even though each of us had an almost completed 8 page paper, we were going to have to start all over again. From scratch. Two newly-researched papers were going to be due in twenty-four hours.

This was the scene at about 11pm.

I have never, ever cut it so close on an assignment before. We researched and wrote until I fell asleep at 4am. Dee was up until 5am. We skipped class Monday evening, but had to be at school at 8:30 this morning. After class we went back to my place and worked until our next class at 2:30. We handed in our papers on our break. Here's post-paper:

My hands are shaking and I feel like I'm drunk. I still have another paper to finish, but I just can't face doing any more work today. Time for some leftover pizza and nothingness.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Some random updates...

Dee came over the other week and made the best corn chowder I've ever tasted.

I finally realized why my contacts weren't working right - I was putting the left one in the right eye and vice versa.

Lynda was here for a very brief visit this weekend. It was lovely to see her (as it always is), but unfortunately she had to miss the Pirate Party at Fenwick on Saturday night.

This is as ferocious as I can look. In other words, not too ferocious at all. There was lots of dancing and eating of cupcakes and yohoho-ing and all the other things at which pirates excel.

And now back to homework.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Congratulations to Katie and Dave who announced last night they're getting married in August! There's nothing I love more than happy people, and they are definitely the happiest I've seen in a while.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lynda and Rosey’s Fantabulous Skating Adventures: Day 1

Senior Women’s Short Program
Lynda: The women’s short program brought us the return of the lovely Cynthia Phaneuf to national skating. She has been working her way back from an injury, and word on the street was she was not quite at the top of her game. She put down a charming performance which featured gorgeous arm movements and lovely musical expression. It wasn’t technically brilliant, but it put her in good position for the free skate. We saw her sitting with her mom before skating and then we saw her warming up across the rink. FYI: she has Betty Boop skate guard covers
Rosey: The highlight of the women’s short was Lesley Hawker’s solid skate. It’s always great to see hard work rewarded, and Lesley was clearly delighted by the crowd’s response to her performance – she got the only standing ovation of the evening.

NOTE: Part way through the afternoon we realized we had the BEST SEATS EVER when both Victor Kraatz and Brian Orser sat in the section in front of us. The conversation went something like this:
Rosey nudges Lynda: “Holy crap, that’s Victor Kraatz!”

Ten minutes later Lynda nudges Rosey: “Oh my God, that’s Brian Orser!”

Ten minutes after that Rosey says to Lynda: “Is it just me, or is the BMO Bear flirting with us?”

Senior Pairs’ Short Program

Lynda: Hometown favourites Brodeur and Mattatall brought the crowd to their feet with their spirited short program, despite the fact that their death spiral slid away from them. They were pretty decent considering that this is their first year together, and she has never skated pairs before. Give them time, and they might be pretty good.
Rosey: Lynda told me I was going to love Dube and Davison, and was she ever right. Watching them skate is like eating Lindt chocolates (the really creamy ones that come in the red wrappers). As they entered their death spiral, Davison cradled Dube’s head in one hand and I fell in love. There are few things in skating I adore more than beautiful death spirals.
Lynda: So, we were slightly creeped out by the brother/sister Moscovitches. First of all, she’s only 13, but she looks like she’s 22. And I certainly would not want either of my brothers grabbing me in the places that he was grabbing her. That being said, they did have lovely unison in their side by side pair spins, which is something that all the other pairs failed to accomplish.
Rosey: And finally, we both noticed that 14 year old Rachel Kirkland bears an amazing resemblance to Dee, except she’s even smaller! (And we didn’t know that was possible!) She’s so teeny that her partner looked like he was scared he was going to break her.

Some very obnoxious younger skaters sat behind us for the pairs’ short program. At first we didn’t know who they were, we just knew they were opinionated. One of them was making fun of a pairs skater who was bigger than average, saying, “His arm’s the size of my leg!” An annoyed Lynda leaned into Rosey and commented, “Actually, his arm’s the size of that guy’s big mouth.”

For Day 2's adventures, including a run-in with a rain storm, see Lynda’s blog.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lynda and I have been putting in some hardcore time at the Canadian Figure Skating Championships over the past two days. We've had some adventures - some good, some hilariously bad. There will definitely be a lengthy post from both of us after the men's and pairs' long programs today, but in the meantime, look how close we were to Brian freakin' Orser!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

While doing some reading for my Research Methods class, I came across this exercise on the efficiency of language (ie. having one word that signifies an entire concept) in my textbook:

"Imagine, for a moment, that you are driving along a country road. To your left you see something with the following characteristics:
~Black and white in colour, in a splotchy pattern;
~Covered with a short, bristly substance;
~Appended at one end by an object similar in appearance to a paintbrush;
~Appended at the other end by a lumpy thing with four pointy objects sticking upward (two soft and floppy, two hard and curved around);
~Held up from the ground by four spindly sticks, two at each end."

That's so easy, I thought. Obviously it's a skunk that's been run over and has all four of its legs sticking up in the air! It's black and white and has a tail and you see dead skunks near the road all the time at home!

Needless to say, I felt pretty dumb when I read the next sentence: "Unless you were born yesterday, you would almost certainly identify the object as a cow." Then I read the list to Liam and he guessed that the animal being described was a zebra, and I felt better.

Some days I wonder how I managed to get into graduate school....

Monday, January 08, 2007

After a Christmas vacation with a rocky start and a happier end, I'm back in happening Halifax.

Classes started Wednesday, but I've only had two and a half so far. My class tonight was cut short when the power went out on campus. Oddly enough, when I got back to my apartment, only one block away, my building still had electricity. Dee and I took it as an omen we should eat the leftover ice cream cake in my freezer in case I did lose power later and the precious cake melted.

Liam came back to Halifax with me to ease the transition from home to away, and Lynda arrived Friday night for the Oliver! Extravaganza. After a Saturday spent at the Halifax Shopping Centre (I got the most gorgeous red cushions for my couch!), Dee, Lou, and I took in Oliver! at the Neptune Theatre. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The live version of this show is a million times better than the movie. Now I just need to find a way to work the phrases, "I'm reviewing the situation" and "Pip, pip, cheerio, be back soon" into my conversations.

Liam and Lynda left on Sunday, but now that I'm getting back into the swing of things I'll have plenty to occupy myself with. First YA class is tomorrow!!!