Thursday, April 12, 2007

So last Thursday afternoon, as I struggled to stuff everything I would need for the summer into my suitcases, I decided I'd leave my ski jacket liner and my winter boots in Halifax to save space. After all, I though, how much snow are we really going to get in April?

After I got home on Friday afternoon, I had a conversation with my mother about the outbreak of mumps in Halifax and how awful it would be to get sick during the final crunch of the semester.

Saturday night it started to storm. It snowed until Sunday night. There was more snow for Easter than there was for Christmas.

In the wee hours of Saturday night I woke up with a throat so sore I could barely swallow. By morning my face resembled a chipmunk's and I had a fever. It looked like I had the mumps. Thankfully when I went to the doctor on Monday it turned out to be a bacterial infection of some sort and the antibiotics he gave me started to clear it up right away. This meant I did not have to be quarantined for nine days (hurray!), but I wasn't able to start my practicum on Tuesday either (boo).

The moral of the story is that Murphy's Law will get you every time. In fact, although I am pretty much better and get to start my practicum tomorrow, it's supposed to storm again tomorrow night.

In other news, I have a job in a library in Charlottetown for the summer! I don't want to put details here, but anyone who wants to know more can email me.

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