Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to another installment of Roseanne's Adventures with Fire.

Last night, at about 3:30am, I was awakened by a ringing noise. Assuming it was my alarm clock, I hit snooze and rolled over to go back to sleep. As the ringing continued, I groggily realized it was actually the fire alarm going off and that hitting snooze was not going to make it stop. I stumbled out of bed, found a pair of socks and a sweater, put on my parka, and hoofed it down five flights of stairs.

The lobby was filled with the yellow dust from a fire extinguisher, and everyone was huddled on the sidewalk. It wasn't long before three fire trucks, an ambulance, and four police cars were parked out front. I don't even know what happened, but it was a very cold and windy hour before we were allowed back into our apartments.

Like I said before, I'm starting to be a little perturbed at the attraction that seems to exist between me and fire alarms.

In other news, Liam arrives tomorrow to spend the weekend and the SIM St. Paddy's Day party is tomorrow night. Hurrah for socializing!

1 comment:

LuLu said...

I won a fire extinguisher from the 12 Days of Christmas Draw. It's something good to have so I put it away with my "house" stuff.

My mother still gets a kick out of the plastic storage bin that reads "Laura's Kitchen Stuff: Frying Pan, Toaster, Fire Extinguisher...."