Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Michelle just called me Library Lady and it made my day, so, like a good librarian, I decided to Google the phrase and found this:

According to an online description, Miss Library Lady, published in 1954 is a "career romance for young moderns" in which Jean, a new and idealistic children's librarian, meets Mr. Right on the bus by trying to see what book he's reading. Of course, he's engrossed in Rabelais, and she's only perusing a book of pictures from Spain, because it would never do to have our heroine appear too brainy, even though she may be a little "bookish."

I'm happy to report there seems to be a whole series of these books, including Nancy Runs the Bookmobile, Library Life for Deborah, Molly Qualifies as a Librarian, Librarian With Wings, and Loveliest Librarian.

It's enough to make me swear off buns and glasses for the rest of my life.


LuLu said...

I am supposed to be reading Naomi Wolf's Promiscuities with a critical eye toward heteronormativity and you show me THIS.

What can I say, but I would be blacking out if I wasn't laughing so hard!

Remind me to thank you for this funny image tomorrow when we march against Harper's not-so-funny cuts to Status of Women. We've come a long way, baby, but there's still a way to go...

Anonymous said...

don't give up cinnamon buns

Rosey said...

Never! I love cinnamon buns!

LuLu said...

Mmm, that reminds me of the cinnamon buns from the Halifax Market...yumm...

Lynda said...

Mmm... cinnamon buns from the market!!!