Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today's exciting news: I have a bed!!! After sleeping on an air mattress for two weeks (which is actually not as bad as it sounds) tonight I will slumber peacefully under a fluffy duvet on a pleasantly firm mattress. Hopefully this will also help to get rid of the horrible crick I've had in my neck for the last few days....

Liam was here for a (too) short visit last weekend. We filled Saturday with a visit to the Peace Pavilion on the Dartmouth waterfront, a giant trip to the mall to get more things for my apartment, and some time spent downtown so he could ogle the camping gear at MEC and the cameras at Carsand-Mosher. As a bonus, Liam brought over some boxes from home for me that included exciting things like plates and spoons. My mom sewed me a set of curtains for my bedroom and sent me some cute pictures and a bright yellow tea tray. With little touches like these my place is looking more settled every day -- just in time for the invasion of girls next weekend!

And finally, I had a confusing ten minutes in computer class today as I listened to my prof go on and on about all the different tools in a database and he kept mentioning swords. I couldn't understand what swords would have to do with databases -- until I realized that with his thick Lebanese/French accent he was actually saying "sort". Suddenly things made sense. I'll take S words for $500 please.


Anonymous said...

Mmm. Carsand Mosher. Cameras..... Jay says I have to wait for a new one (there technically nothing wrong with the one I have).

LuLu said...

Invasion of girls, invasion of girls! Perhaps that's what we should call this weekend- because it DOES need a name. (Umm, and I might drag you to MEC too, just so I have a sleeping bag to use on the air mattress. Oggling? Most likely, as I want a backpack too!)Can't wait, two more sleeps to Halifax.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing you have a new bed of your own because someone small & furry has expropriated your old one pillow & all.


Lynda said...

Alex Trebek: This is the sound a doggy makes. [someone buzzes in] Mr. Connery.

Sean Connery: Moo.

Only three more sleeps till the invasion!!!

Rosey said...

I can't wait till you ladies get here! Oh, there will be some serious chocolate eating, Pride and Prejudice watching and lots of hijinks!!

Anonymous said...

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. so sad. Laura, the mere mention of MEC makes me want to drop everything and come - despite the fact that I'm doing my very best to convince myself that I really can't. Candy, shopping, Mr. Darcy and you guys. And I'll be by myself in Freddytown . . .