Sunday, September 10, 2006

Well, this weekend was certainly action-packed!

Friday night Roisin (a friend from Waterloo) and her boyfriend, Ryan, arrived in Halifax after a week spent camping in the Maritimes. I'm pleased to report that they made it over to PEI and loved it. Ryan even got his first glimpse ever of the ocean! They stayed at my apartment Friday night, which gave me a chance to show off my new digs for the first time -- and Roisin was suitably impressed by the lack of holes in my carpet. We went for brunch on Saturday morning and then wandered through the Public Gardens for a bit. Roisin and Ryan went downtown to do some shopping and I went to the bookstore to spend $170 on two tiny textbooks. The two of them left for the airport in the later afternoon, so I did some reading and took a little nap.

This morning was brunch at The Thirsty Duck with people from SIM and then a city-wide scavenger hunt! Team Gazeebow Unit (no, that's not a misspelling) came in first place, so I am now the proud owner of a Halifax bookmark and $5 in Tim Horton's money. Both of these things will come in handy! I also finally got to see Katie, picked up a few plants at Pete's Frootique, and got to have a nice chat with Rachie.

Now for the first full week of classes...

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