Thursday, September 07, 2006

Last night was the long-awaited Keith's Brewery tour. Most of the first-year SIMs (there are 54 of us!) and a few of the second-years toddled off to the waterfront to watch women in wench-dresses and men in suspenders explain to us how hops and grains and water become beer. Then they gave us a drink (no, I didn't have any) and sang us "What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor?" It was a fun half hour, but I can't believe people pay $20 for the experience.

After the Bewery we moved on to the Henry House for dinner (where I'm pretty sure I saw the guy who sold me my couch). During conversation with some girls from out west I was appalled to discover several large gaps in their knowledge of Eastern Canada: 1) they did not know PEI was famous for potatos; 2) they thought Cape Breton was a town in Nova Scotia, not an island; and 3) one Albertan thought that Nova Scotia was a three-hour FERRY ride from TORONTO! That being said, these girls are extremely nice and also excited to be in the Maritimes, so I think I'll just educate them about Atlantic Canada as much as I can. After all, it's not their fault they're from Western Canada... (I'm just kidding Laura!) Actually, I'm really enjoying getting to know my classmates, even the Albertans. ;)

In other news, the two pigeon eggs on my balcony have hatched. I thought I heard peeps last night, so I went out today to check -- and there are two scrawny, ugly little baby birds in the nest. I thought that baby birds would at least be cute! I guess I was picturing yellow chicks or something...


Lynda said...

There is no way that pigeons could ever be considered as cute.

Evil Halifax pigeons. Be careful. They're very bold.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rosey! I hope you are enjoying Halifax. Jeff wants to go to Darrel's and try a peanut butter burger. He's been craving them for months.

We were wondering why they call you SIMs?


A & J

Rosey said...

Lynda, the pigeons are insane. I accidentally kicked one in the Public Gardens and it just looked at me.

Jeff & Alexa, I don't think I could eat a pb burger. I can barely manage burgers in the first place! But if I walk by Darrel's I'll think of you. And SIM is School of Information Management. Sorry, not like Sim City :P

LuLu said...

Hehe, yay for Alberta pride!
And it's okay Rosey, I remember being rather pissed off with my 10-year old Calgarian classmates for not knowing that Charlottetown was the capital of PEI (it didn't help I visted this lovely 'town' every summer...) But come on! We LEARNED the provinces in Grade 4, and most East Coasters know that Vancouver isn't on Vancouver Island- which is a rather tricky fact!