Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It seems only fitting to begin my time in Halifax by reflecting back on my year in Waterloo. Those twelve months in 2004 and 2005 were filled with a lot of firsts -- my first time living on my own, my first experience with graduate school, my first time navigating a public transit system, my first tornado warning. I learned a lot while I was in Ontario, and I'd like to share some of what I consider my most interesting discoveries. Be warned though: just because I thought it was exciting or significant doesn't mean it actually was!

1. No matter what Ontarians might think, a creek on campus is not a substitute for the Atlantic Ocean.
2. The thrill of being able to visit The Gap whenever you want never wears off, even if the only thing you buy there in a year is a pair of jeans.
3. There are stables in the parking lots of most grocery stores in Waterloo so that Mennonites who have to do a little shopping have a place to tie up their horse and buggy.
4. A podium makes a good place to hide your shaking hands on your first day as a teaching assistant; however, never underestimate the authority that comes from being the one writing on the chalkboard.
5. It is possible to sleep for 20 hours in a row.
6. It is also possible to function for two days on three hours of sleep. (I think Michelle knew that already.)
7. Rosie O'Donnell is extremely polite.
8. Never wear a new skirt out in public without first checking if you need to wear a slip.
9. Don't let your boyfriend drink unattended with your classmates from Ireland.
10. Getting mail instantly makes your whole day better, especially if it's not a bill or a pizza flyer.
11. It says something about your neighbourhood when the closest stores are Mario's Pizza, a porn shop, and Lucky Super Convenience.
12. It is possible to pick up the instrument you haven't played in six years and make music again.
13. Thunder storms are not as enjoyable when you're by yourself.
14. Never order furniture online from Sears, unless you're prepared to spend hours on the phone trying to find a human to complain to when you've been sent the wrong-coloured couch. Stupid Sears.
15. After the first five minutes of terror, riding on a motorcycle is surprisingly fun.
16. In graduate school you sometimes have to curse as part of a seminar. Try not to blush.
17. When Mel rubs my head it makes my headaches go away.
18. Always have an air-conditioner for your tiny, top-floor apartment. When it hits 40 degrees outside your body will thank you.
19. There are cats that live behind the Parliament Buildings!
20. Having friends drive across three provinces to visit you makes you realize how lucky you are to know people like that.
21. When you're in a Greek restaurant and someone lights something on fire behind your head and yells "Opa!" it's not necessary to scream or duck.
22. If you're ever going on a car trip with Catherine and Mike be prepared to sing gospel music.
23. Meeting your neighbours in Ontario isn't impossible; it just takes longer.
24. Open the steam vents on your pots before you try to boil carrots.
25. When your carrots have exploded and your fish has turned to ashes, waffles make a good supper.
26. Big cities are filled with wildlife (for example: foxes, bats, rabbits, eagles, raccoons, skunks, groundhogs, swans, ducks, geese).
27. Some students will cheat no matter what you do to try to prevent it.
28. The architects of Hagey Hall didn't believe in windows.
29. The combined malevolence of a literary theory class can actually cause the death of a famous French philospher.
30. No matter how cute your red Mary-Janes are, they should not be worn to walk long distances if they cause mammoth blisters because then you'll end up walking through downtown Toronto in barefeet -- and that's just gross.
31. Smiths Falls is a chocolate-lover's heaven.
32. The inside of Mr. Dress-Up's treehouse is a little disappointing.
33. The oranguatangs at the Toronto Zoo have been known to use their food bowls as boats in attempts to paddle across the moat of their enclosure to escape.
34. It is possible to create a wall of Shreddie boxes over 5 feet tall when you eat an average of one and a half boxes of Shreddies a week for a year.
35. There's no place like home, but sometimes another place can come pretty close.

I've made it through the first day of SIM orientation, and with these tips in mind, I think I'm going to make it through the next two years too.


mel said...

what a great freaking list.

Rosey said...

Thanks Mel! And thanks for the first official comment too :)

LuLu said...

Wonderful list! 12 and 29 are some of my personal favourites, AND Catherine started singing some threshing song on Aisle 2 last night so now I'm beginning to understand...
Welcome to the blogoshere, I'm adding you to my links!