Saturday, April 14, 2007

Two events of note occurred today:

1. I had Shreddies and apple juice for breakfast for the first time in almost a week. A week without Shreddies!! I can't even remember the last time I went that long without Shreddies. I enjoy swallowing immensely.

2. My practicum started today, and I did not throw up on anyone! I knew I was going to be reading stories on the trolley bus, but I thought it was going to be during the afternoon and I'd have a chance to buy some Gravol at lunch. Unfortunately, the bus trip was scheduled for 10am, so I had to embark sans Gravol. I got to read about three stories (including the classic If You Give a Mouse a Cookie) before I became extremely nauseous. When we got to the mall the librarian who was with me took me to Zellers to buy Gravol. I barely made it back downtown. The bus route was all over the place and the roads were slippery from the snow. Thankfully, after realizing how miserable I was, the librarians told me I can concentrate on other programming activities for the rest of my time. On Monday I get to do a performance of the Billy Goats Gruff with puppets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're practical sounds so much more fun than mine was- I want to read story books too!