Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Michelle just called me Library Lady and it made my day, so, like a good librarian, I decided to Google the phrase and found this:

According to an online description, Miss Library Lady, published in 1954 is a "career romance for young moderns" in which Jean, a new and idealistic children's librarian, meets Mr. Right on the bus by trying to see what book he's reading. Of course, he's engrossed in Rabelais, and she's only perusing a book of pictures from Spain, because it would never do to have our heroine appear too brainy, even though she may be a little "bookish."

I'm happy to report there seems to be a whole series of these books, including Nancy Runs the Bookmobile, Library Life for Deborah, Molly Qualifies as a Librarian, Librarian With Wings, and Loveliest Librarian.

It's enough to make me swear off buns and glasses for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I have to say, I'm loving that there's something fun to do every weekend here. After an afternoon spent at the Halifax Shopping Centre, Dee and I took in the Christmas parade downtown. The streets were packed with excited parents and children, the majorettes' batons glowed in the dark, Santa Claus made an appearance, and a bunch of the seventy floats had penguins on them. Then it was time for some post-parade hot chocolate.

Last night a group from school went to a live taping of the CBC program This Hour Has 22 Minutes. I haven't watched that show much since Rick Mercer left, but I really enjoyed seeing how it gets put together. Plus it was a huge bonus to find out that Shaun Majumder is now a member of the cast because I think he's absolutely hilarious! Anyway, it was a fun evening, especially since the tickets were free.

Now it's time to settle down in front of the TV to see if I can find myself in any of the audience shots.

Monday, November 13, 2006

My brother Steve has been visiting me this weekend, so I've taken a bit of a break from freaking out about school for some quality sibling time. He got here at midnight on Friday and leaves tomorrow afternoon, but we've managed to pack a lot into two days.

Yesterday we went to the cenotaph, ate fries from Bud the Spud, were attacked by starlings, window-shopped, walked through the Public Gardens, and sang along to Joseph. Dee and Vinny came over last night and Vinny (who is half-Italian) fed us traditional Italian pasta. After we ate, we all sat around and groaned about how full we were and tried to convince Steve to become a librarian.

Today we were going to go to Point Pleasant Park, but, due to my poor sense of direction, we actually ended up just taking a very long walk because I couldn't find the park. (Remember, I was once in a car that drove to the wrong province by mistake.) We went out for dinner and stuffed ourselves silly, and then we watched V for Vendetta (an awesome movie!).

It's been interesting spending so much time with just my brother. Sometimes the six years between us can feel like a lot, but it's nice to talk with him and realize how grown-up he's become and how many things we do have in common. And just to prove his increasing maturity, tonight I saw him drink a fruit smoothie and eat salad - the most fruits and veggies than I've ever seen him willingly consume in a meal!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

So, um, you know those days when you spring out of bed to greet the day with enthusiasm, only to wonder an hour later if it would have been better had you just rolled over and gone back to sleep? This was one of those days. I never spring out of bed, so when I did this morning, I just assumed it would be a productive day. After slogging to school through the pouring rain, spending forty-five minutes before class in the computer lab working hard, but accomplishing nothing, and sitting through class in cold, wet jeans, I was ready to rethink my earlier spring.

Other little things kept happening all day, but the grand finale was when I dropped the pizza I made for dinner upside down in my oven. Now there's pepperoni and cheese all over the oven door, all over the inside of the oven, in the cracks between the door and the oven, and even in the drawer underneath the oven. And because the oven was hot when I dropped the pizza, the cheese and pepperoni burnt onto it.

On the bright side, my brother Steve gets here for a visit tomorrow night. There's going to be some comic book shopping and lots and lots of eating. Yay!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm still loving school, but I just skip from assignment to assignment. Nothing is extremely hard, there's just a LOT of it. Needless to say, my blog posting has been suffering...

And, for your viewing pleasure, here's a picture of my costume from the SIM Halloween party. The night was a blast, although I hadn't planned on using my CAA to unlock a van with the keys inside or practicing my first aid skills on someone's bleeding head. In case you can't tell, I was the Paper Bag Princess from the Robert Munch book. This was definitely a librarians' party because there was also a Pippi Longstocking and Peter Pan. Gold stars to Dee for helping to make it possible to sit down in the paper bag!