However, chocolate cookies and Colin Firth were not the only excitement, so here's a rundown of all the other adventures we had over three days:
I met up with Laura on Friday afternoon, after nodding my way through my Reference class. We lugged her stuff up to my apartment, and then headed downtown through campus so she could see the Management building, where I have all my classes. She agreed with me that the open design and the floating staircases were a bit freaky for those with a thing about heights, which made me feel much less silly. (I am getting used to it though. Now I can walk up and down the stairs and I'm fine as long as I don't look over the edge.) I was also able to point out what must be the most obscene statue I have ever seen. I still can't believe this thing is on a university campus.

Laura and I continued downtown to enjoy some French fries from a chip stand in a truck, a visit to MEC, and my first ever visit to a sex shop. Yes, that's right, I have now been in a sex shop and I don't even think I blushed.
Then Lynda arrived and we headed up to Quinpool Road for a delicious supper at Quincy's. The restaurant was picked solely because of their slogan: "Like a diner, only finer." Plus their sign advertised sweet potato fries as their speciality, and us Confed Centre girls like our sweet potato fries!

Saturday morning we headed down to the Farmer's Market to check out the cinnamon rolls at Mary's Bread Basket. Then we browsed through the many, many booths (it wasn't quite St. Jacob's, but it's close), picking up a few veggies for supper that night and a beautiful boquet of sunflowers. After that we walked along the waterfront to see Theodore Tugboat!!!

And then, just in case we hadn't walked enough already, we headed up Citadel Hill for the view and to Pete's Frootique for some more Penguin biscuits. (The white building to the right of my finger and in the background in my apartment building.)

That evening we cooked up a huge spread (including the excitement of the garlic press with incredible squishing action!) and ate to the sounds of The Rolling Stones' "Paint It Black" wafting in the window from the big concert.

Then it was back to P&P. One of my favourite moments came as Darcy removed his cravat and vest in preparation for his dive into the lake at Pemberly. Suddenly Laura burst out, "Oh yeah, take it all off!"
Unfortunately, Laura had to leave early Sunday morning, but after a little lie-in Lynda and I headed down to Smitty's for breakfast. Stuffed with waffles and hash browns, we stumbled across a poster for Word on the Street, a book festival down at Pier 23. With nothing else planned, we decided to take it in. Lynda enjoyed the discounted books from St. Mary's bookstore and I drooled over the amazing children's lit selection from Woozles.
Then it was back up to the Public Gardens with a short stopover in front of the Lord Nelson, where everyone was waiting to see Mick Jaggerm make his exit. We waited for fifteen minutes or so, but then we got bored, so we left. We walked through the gardens, which in hindsight might not have been a good idea considering Lou's fear of ducks and pigeons, and then headed back to my place for a little more lazing around. Lynda left late in the afternoon and I prepared for a week of assignments...