Yesterday, after a year in which I wimped out of running during the winter because it was too cold and icy outside and struggled to get out of the house on days when I just wanted to curl up on the couch, I did it. It was a crisp, sunny morning. I was exhausted because I had gone to a birthday celebration the night before and accidentally gotten quite tipsy. Some people pushed strollers; some people ran with their dogs. There were three different bands playing along the route, and everyone was excited to be there. Annie and Liam finished before me, but I did it! As a member of the Librarians Run for the Cure team, I ran 5K. And my number was 7660.
Next up: the Salvation Army's Santa Shuffle in December. I hear people run wearing Santa hats and jingle bells…
1 comment:
Way to go Rosey!
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