Saturday, March 29, 2008

I love birthdays, and I'm a big proponent of spreading them out so the fun lasts as long as possible. This year, I had my family celebration (complete with The Birthday Cake) in February when I was home for Reading Week, even though my actual birthday wasn't until this week. Festivities on the day itself were pretty subdued because Liam was sick and I had six hours of class in a row (from 2:30 pm until 8:30 pm), but between Facebook, emails, and e-cards, I still felt an awful lot of birthday love. Thanks to everyone who got in touch - you guys totally made my day!

Unfortunately, I caught Liam's cold and have been lying on the couch in a feverish haze since Wednesday afternoon. I did watch Mary Poppins yesterday though, which never fails to make me happier. Today I'm finally starting to feel a bit better, so it's time to return to assignments: only five more to go before I'm a professional librarian!

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