Saturday, March 29, 2008

I love birthdays, and I'm a big proponent of spreading them out so the fun lasts as long as possible. This year, I had my family celebration (complete with The Birthday Cake) in February when I was home for Reading Week, even though my actual birthday wasn't until this week. Festivities on the day itself were pretty subdued because Liam was sick and I had six hours of class in a row (from 2:30 pm until 8:30 pm), but between Facebook, emails, and e-cards, I still felt an awful lot of birthday love. Thanks to everyone who got in touch - you guys totally made my day!

Unfortunately, I caught Liam's cold and have been lying on the couch in a feverish haze since Wednesday afternoon. I did watch Mary Poppins yesterday though, which never fails to make me happier. Today I'm finally starting to feel a bit better, so it's time to return to assignments: only five more to go before I'm a professional librarian!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, I will not be unemployed when the school year is over!

I just found out this morning that I will be working as coordinator of a resource centre for a Faculty of Education at a small university in the city. It's a one-year contract, which is perfect because I can stay with Liam while he finishes school, but still be flexible about moving next spring.

I can't even describe what a huge relief it is to know that A) I will still be able to pay my rent after graduation, B) someone actually wants to hire me, and C) I'll be doing a job I'm going to enjoy for the next year.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Still sick. Liam is my hero. On the weekend he brought me home a bag of mini-eggs, which I haven't been able to eat yet because my throat is too sore. Tonight he went out in the snow to the grocery store to buy me some strawberry Jello. He is certifiably awesome.

Monday, March 10, 2008

It started in January. First Liam got sick. Then he broke his arm. Then I got sick. Then he got sick again. Now I'm sick again. Vinny's theory is that we have fungus in our apartment, but I think we live in a plague house. Who wants to come visit?