Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'm back in Halifax, refreshed and ready to blog again.

Liam and I are slowly getting settled in our new apartment. Moving was absolute pandemonium, but I guess that was to be expected. However, I can't really complain: we managed to finish up just before the torrential downpour started. We couldn't have done it without help from Dee, Emily, and Vinny, who were awesome.

We had a mini-visit from Laura, who saw the place at its most chaotic. The three of us had just enough time to grab some crepes at the Farmer's Market before she headed home to gear up for her adventures in Hamilton.

The first day of orientation for the new SIM students was yesterday, and the second years got the cutest little file folder buttons to wear. I'll post a picture as soon as I can get Liam to take out his camera. Today I helped give a tour of the campus and tonight is the Faculty of Management mixer, which I would totally skip except they're giving out free drink tickets.

Liam's classes start Friday morning, but I don't have anything until Monday, so I'm hoping this will be a relaxing weekend. There's a SIM picnic on Sunday, but I don't think anyone has three-legged races or egg-in-spoon races planned. Sorry Lynda!


Lynda said...

What! No three-legged races??? Tell me there's ice cream.

How's the Shreddies situation?

Rosey said...

I had a delicious bowl this morning!

Alas, I'm not sure if there's going to be ice cream at the picnic either, but there will be cupcakes!