Saturday, March 31, 2007

As requested, here is a photo of the giant birthday penguin. Isn't he fantastic?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Thankfully, the theme of this post will not be Adventures With Fire. In fact, I haven't really done anything that interesting since the middle of March. Right now my days are mostly filled with assignments, assignments, and more assignments, and in just two weeks I will be one-half of a professional librarian! My practicum starts on April 10 in the children's department of the library I used as a kid, which is pretty exciting as well. Some of the planned activities sound pretty cool, plus I'll get to organize some of my own. This also means I get to come home for at least a few weeks!!

I had a lovely birthday last weekend. Friday night there was a potluck dinner with an insane amount of delicious food and three kinds of cake! Drew and Dee were busy in my kitchen all afternoon, so there was chocolate cake for Vinny and white cake with pink icing and sprinkles for me and then Shannon brought DQ cake as well. I am now also the proud owner of a gigantic stuffed penguin. Plus I got to wear a tiara!

Mayhem will ensue on Monday when Dee and Emily move a bunch of their stuff into my place to be stored for the summer. Thankfully space isn't an issue, but I'm trying to get some things organized now so there will be less mess to worry about later. Since Dee's bed and belongings will be here, Dee herself is also going to stay for a few days until she heads back to Winnipeg for the summer. Happily, the other end of the storage bargain means Liam and I will have people to help us clean and move in August!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to another installment of Roseanne's Adventures with Fire.

Last night, at about 3:30am, I was awakened by a ringing noise. Assuming it was my alarm clock, I hit snooze and rolled over to go back to sleep. As the ringing continued, I groggily realized it was actually the fire alarm going off and that hitting snooze was not going to make it stop. I stumbled out of bed, found a pair of socks and a sweater, put on my parka, and hoofed it down five flights of stairs.

The lobby was filled with the yellow dust from a fire extinguisher, and everyone was huddled on the sidewalk. It wasn't long before three fire trucks, an ambulance, and four police cars were parked out front. I don't even know what happened, but it was a very cold and windy hour before we were allowed back into our apartments.

Like I said before, I'm starting to be a little perturbed at the attraction that seems to exist between me and fire alarms.

In other news, Liam arrives tomorrow to spend the weekend and the SIM St. Paddy's Day party is tomorrow night. Hurrah for socializing!

Monday, March 12, 2007

I wish I could tell you I've been doing something exciting while my blog has been AWOL, but unfortunately I've mostly been hunkered down doing incredible amounts of homework. Thankfully nothing has reached the panic level of the 24-hour literature review, but that doesn't really make for exciting blogging either.

On another note, my youngest brother finally got his license last week (yes, procrastination is a family trait). Now all the Gauthier kids can drive! Woot!