Monday, January 08, 2007

After a Christmas vacation with a rocky start and a happier end, I'm back in happening Halifax.

Classes started Wednesday, but I've only had two and a half so far. My class tonight was cut short when the power went out on campus. Oddly enough, when I got back to my apartment, only one block away, my building still had electricity. Dee and I took it as an omen we should eat the leftover ice cream cake in my freezer in case I did lose power later and the precious cake melted.

Liam came back to Halifax with me to ease the transition from home to away, and Lynda arrived Friday night for the Oliver! Extravaganza. After a Saturday spent at the Halifax Shopping Centre (I got the most gorgeous red cushions for my couch!), Dee, Lou, and I took in Oliver! at the Neptune Theatre. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The live version of this show is a million times better than the movie. Now I just need to find a way to work the phrases, "I'm reviewing the situation" and "Pip, pip, cheerio, be back soon" into my conversations.

Liam and Lynda left on Sunday, but now that I'm getting back into the swing of things I'll have plenty to occupy myself with. First YA class is tomorrow!!!


Lynda said...

Huzzah for Oliver! songs!

I'm still trying to find a good soundtrack recording...

Anonymous said...

That's typical Halifax, Rosey! The electricial grid is really weird. I remember that one time that the Sobey's store had no power but the sign in Sobey's sign in the parking lot had power so everyone thought it was open. Remember to stock up on candles and matches when living in Halifax ~ Lex