Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yesterday one of my students asked me if I was pregnant. It's time to start running again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Because I feel that all too often I focus on the negative, complaining and whining when the world doesn't go my way or something annoys me, today I'm going to list all the things that made January 20, 2009 awesome:
  1. I got to watch Barack Obama's inauguration at work, and I have to admit I got a little misty-eyed.
  2. I was wearing the magic Jacob pants that make my normally flat behind look amazing.
  3. It was not -23 with a -31 windchill.
  4. I won a free massage in a wellness draw at work. I'm super excited -- I've always wanted a massage, but also always felt guilty about paying for such a splurge.
  5. I finally found a student to work Tuesday nights, leaving me free for. . .
  6. My French course at Universite Ste Anne, of which I had the first session this evening. Although I am definitely towards the bottom of the class, I was pleased to discover that I can actually manage Intermediate Conversation (within reason). It feels good to stretch my brain cells.
  7. When I got home from class, starving and tired, I discovered that someone sweet had made chicken and mushroom crepes for dinner. I absolutely adore crepes (one day in Quebec I ate crepes with different fillings for every meal), and I felt deliciously spoiled.
  8. I am downloading last night's episode of How I Met Your Mother and will be able to watch it in about fifteen minutes.
I think I should try making lists like this more often.