Monday, April 21, 2008

I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of our household. We've adopted a cat!

Violet is about one year old and has had a rough go of it until now. She became pregnant too young, and when she gave birth her uterus prolapsed, which led to an emergency c-section and spaying. Unfortunately, only one of her kittens survived. She was abandoned at the vet clinic and ended up at the SPCA.

She's hit the jackpot now though, and we intend her to lead a life of feline luxury. Judging from the way she was lolling in a sunbeam on the couch this afternoon, it doesn't appear we're going to have a very hard time persuading her living here is a good idea. Be prepared: I predict many postings of cat pictures in the future!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My first day at work as a new professional did not go exactly as I imagined. Actually, this whole week hasn't really gone the way I imagined.

Originally, I wasn't supposed to begin work until next Monday, but when some issues arose that meant I might not be able to get all my orientation and training finished before I was on my own, it wasn't a big deal for me to start a little earlier. I agreed to come in this Monday and Wednesday, and then spent the weekend celebrating the end my of MLIS.

I had a tickle in my throat when I woke up Monday morning, but because I've already been sick five (FIVE!) times this winter, I figured I had just been sleeping with my mouth open or something. By part way through the morning I definitely knew I was starting to get sick. Sometime between noon and 1:00pm, I got really dizzy and could feel myself starting to faint. I managed to stagger to a chair instead of falling on the floor, and ended up having to go home. I had to go home from my first day of work as a professional librarian. What an auspicious start to my career, eh?

But it got even better: my fever kept going up and and up, despite copious amounts of Tylenol, and my throat got so sore I could barely swallow. On Tuesday night Liam took me to the Health Centre on campus, where I was diagnosed with a raging case of strep throat. Then I threw up in the doctor's office. We took a cab the three blocks back to our apartment because I couldn't walk, and I just got sicker and sicker. Eventually my fever went up to 104.5 and I started seeing inanimate objects move. It was very disturbing, and I really don't recommend it.

However, antibiotics are marvelous, marvelous things, and by the next morning I was already starting to feel better. Yesterday my fever was much lower, but in comparison to the night before, I felt a million times better. I even ate an egg! And all the furniture stayed where it's supposed to! Unfortunately, when I called work to say I was still ill and couldn't come in, I found out that Wednesday had to be the last day of work for the person I'm replacing. This means I'm going to be running a library by myself with four hours of orientation.

On top of all this, I've missed almost all of the good-bye activities for my darling Dee, including ice cream cake and her Last Supper. She leaves today for a job interview in Ontario tomorrow and then heads back to Manitoba. I'm going to miss her like crazy, but thankfully she and all her family will be here in May for convocation.

In the meantime, as I store up my energy for Secret Friend farewells and Stars on Ice (which I'm going to tonight if Liam has to carry me), I'd like to send Laura a big congratulations on a huge academic achievement! I'm so proud of her!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Today was my last day of class at SIM. We celebrated the end of an era with an afternoon in the sunshine, Tin Roof Brownie Blizzards from DQ, and a trip to the Grad House. I won't feel completely done until my last two assignments are handed in, but as people begin to talk about their travel plans and get excited about new jobs, it's hard to ignore the fact that two of the best years I've ever had are almost over.

That being said, I'm really looking forward to starting work as an actual professional and becoming a real grown-up (which Lynda assures me isn't that bad). Right now it feels like there's a world of possibilities out there. I can't wait to tackle them: hopefully the best is yet to come.