Monday, January 28, 2008

Well, that was an eventful weekend.

Friday night Dee, Liam, Stephen (a classmate), and I went to the Seahorse to see Old Man Leudecke (an awesome banjo player) and the Tom Fun Orchestra (a neat band from Sydney). The music was great, but unfortunately the bar was freezing. As in I-wore-my-hat-and-coat-and-scarf-and-still-couldn't-feel-my-fingers freezing. Also, several members of the crowd appeared to not believe in personal hygiene.

Last night Aine came over for dinner. She left for three weeks in Rome this morning, and Orla is staying with us while she's away. I'm more than delighted to have a kitty for a while, even if it means sticking all my plants in the bathroom and keeping the door shut. Unfortunately, Liam took a spill while running to catch the bus to pick up Aine and broke his right arm at the elbow. We ended up spending most of the evening at the hospital and now Liam is iced and Motrin-ed within an inch of his life.

Here's hoping things calm down for the rest of the week!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I've been somewhat lax in posting the last few weeks, and, unlike Lynda, I don't even have a good excuse. Here are some of the highlights of Jaunary thus far:

1. School started again -- my last semester at SIM. Although I'm excited to be an actual professional, I'm sad that this part of my life will be over in a few months. Job hunting is pretty unpleasant as well.

2. Lynda came to Halifax last weekend. We went shopping and I bought the most gorgeous pair of pants ever. Even I can tell they make my behind look incredible! And they're professional wear too, so the purchase was completely justifiable. We also baked The Birthday Cake for Dee. Thai food was consumed. Saturday night Dee, Aine, Lynda, and I went to the Neptune to see White Christmas and it was wonderful. There was lots and lots of tap dancing, and it snowed in the theatre!

3. My brother and his girlfriend were here for a night.

4. Liam creamed me at a game of Scrabble with "czar" on a triple-word square. That's 45 points! Don't play Scrabble with someone who likes to spend his spare time reading the OED.

5. Dee and I went to see Atonement. Even though it was depressing and waaay more graphic than I was expecting, I thought it was a good movie.

6. Tonight Liam and I team-cooked a roast beef dinner and had some people over for supper. Liam was responsible for the meat and gravy, while I made the Yorkshire puddings. Not only was it very tasty, it was Vinny's first ever roast beef dinner. Who gets to be twenty-five without having had a roast beef dinner?! His excuse was that his family is Italian. I'm not sure if that's a good excuse or not; after all, we're talking about the same guy who's never been sledding either.

That's all for now!