Friday, November 30, 2007

I have definitely come to the part of the semester when my brain ceases to produce meaningful thoughts and I can unravel at a moment's notice. I was doing well until this afternoon - I actually turned in two projects early - but today I hit the wall. I could feel my shoulders getting tense all morning, and when I hit a major bump just before dinner I had a total meltdown, complete with pulling my hair (which I do when I'm upset) and using half a box of Kleenex (which did not help the sinus infection at all).

It's not even like the situation is that awful. After all, I did win six dozen cookies yesterday and I don't have any incurable diseases. My assignments will get done and I'll be at home in less than a week now. I guess sometimes the stress just has to come out, and today happened to be the day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's time for another end-of-the-semester tradition: Roseanne's mysytery illnesses.

In fourth year it was the incredible sickness that had all the symptoms of mono, but wasn't actually mono. Last spring it was the swollen cheeks and sore throat that seemed like the mumps, but turned out to be a bacterial infection.

When Liam got sick this fall I was sure I would be next, but nothing happened. I thought I was in the clear, but alas, it wasn't to be. After a trip to the clinic this afternoon on the advice of my mother, I have discovered that I am the proud owner of not one, but two separate infections!

I have just returned from Shoppers with several prescriptions and a large bottle of cranberry juice. At least this is a sign that it will soon be time to go home.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

So it's going to storm tonight . . . Usually I really enjoy fall storms. I like being inside while the rain blows against the windows. It makes everything feel extra cozy. However, the reason my new apartment is so gorgeous is because during Hurricane Juan the roof blew off the building (ie. our apartment) and everything had to be re-done. I know that Noel is not supposed to pack nearly the punch that Juan did, but for the record I really like having a roof. Over my head. Keeping me, Liam, and our stuff dry. And I'd like it to be there tomorrow as well. Just saying.