Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tonight I managed to turn a frozen pizza black. The last time I baked a frozen pizza I accidentally dropped it into my oven upside down. I'd say my karma might be trying to save me from junk food, except I'm still eating an obscene amount of chocolate.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Is it me, or are buildings more likely to catch on fire when I'm around?

I just got home from a long day at school and I wasn't even in my apartment for ten minutes when the fire alarm went off. I trooped outside with everyone else to stand in the cold, listening to people talk about how smoky it was on the seventh floor and crossing my fingers that nothing was actually burning. Turns out there was a kitchen fire on Floor 7 that was extinguished pretty quickly, but still set off the alarms. On the plus side now I know the smoke detectors in this building work...

Seriously though, that's two fires in Waterloo and now one in Halifax. I don't know how I feel about this trend. I know my mother won't like it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

All my assignments for the week have finally been submitted. I have mopped the kitchen floor and found the source of the funny smell in my kitchen. I am currently watching The Daily Show and eating my midnight bowl of Shreddies. I am ready to go home.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The next time I complain about how much work I have to do, someone please remind me of the past twenty-four hours.

With three assignments due this week, one each for Monday through Wednesday, I spent my weekend holed up in my apartment with the Black Baby. Things were going well: I sent in a research proposal, wrote a draft of a management paper, and almost finished my literature review.

Then, yesterday afternoon, Dee and I decided that maybe we should double-check our research question for the literature review with our prof. Unfortunately, during this meeting we realized we had approached our project from the absolutely, positively wrong angle. Unfortunately, this also meant that even though each of us had an almost completed 8 page paper, we were going to have to start all over again. From scratch. Two newly-researched papers were going to be due in twenty-four hours.

This was the scene at about 11pm.

I have never, ever cut it so close on an assignment before. We researched and wrote until I fell asleep at 4am. Dee was up until 5am. We skipped class Monday evening, but had to be at school at 8:30 this morning. After class we went back to my place and worked until our next class at 2:30. We handed in our papers on our break. Here's post-paper:

My hands are shaking and I feel like I'm drunk. I still have another paper to finish, but I just can't face doing any more work today. Time for some leftover pizza and nothingness.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Some random updates...

Dee came over the other week and made the best corn chowder I've ever tasted.

I finally realized why my contacts weren't working right - I was putting the left one in the right eye and vice versa.

Lynda was here for a very brief visit this weekend. It was lovely to see her (as it always is), but unfortunately she had to miss the Pirate Party at Fenwick on Saturday night.

This is as ferocious as I can look. In other words, not too ferocious at all. There was lots of dancing and eating of cupcakes and yohoho-ing and all the other things at which pirates excel.

And now back to homework.